In our Dizigui / Montessori Self-Motivation Class, we:

  1. help students to learn Dizigui through the Montessori Hands-on Activities;
  2. help students to create long lasting self-motivation;
  3. help students to understand how Dizigui can help them to perform better in school.
  4. develop students into a happy filial piety child.

Good habits need to be cultivated

Raise your hand before you talk!

We introduce Dizigui to all our students and parents, because it contains very good material for moral education.

Which is more important? Academic achievement or moral education? As parents, we should get our priorities right. We should not forget that moral education is equally important (if not more important) than academic achievement.

Teaching Dizigui to our children will help them grow into kind, responsible, diligent and happy adults. It will also help our children to improve on their interpersonal skills, and this will help them tremendously in their future careers.

Furthermore, Dizigui teaches children to be a dutiful child. As dutiful children, it is their duty to focus on their academics. If children truly understand this, they will be intrinsically motivated to study hard.

Many parents teach children Dizigui by just reading and memorizing the rules. If children are just reading and memorizing the rules, they will not enjoy the full benefits of Dizigui.

The key to reaping the benefits from Dizigui is when we start practicing the rules in our daily life.

For example, in Dizigui, it states:  “When parents command you to do something, do it quickly.”

Parents should get their children to apply it at home. Make it a habit to get your child to do things quickly and immediately when asked by parents.

Some examples:

  1. Turn off the television – Switch it off immediately.
  2. Go do your homework – Go and do it immediately.
  3. Go and take shower – Go and do it immediately.

Please remember to do this patiently as habits need time to develop.

It is impossible to apply all the rules in Dizigui and expect our children to be able to meet the standards overnight.

We should start with rules that are simple and easy to apply.

For example, we can get our children to greet us every morning and asked them to say good night to us every night before going to bed (if this is easy in your family). This is stated in Dizigui, “Greet your parents in the morning to show them that you care, at night to be sure that they rest well.”

This is also to develop the habit of caring for their parents.

Parents can then apply other rules so that children will slowly improve over time.

Leading by example is the best way to educate our children as actions speak louder than words. Mostly, we do not even need to say a single word, but just demonstrate it to our children.

Some examples:

  1.       Show them that you are interested in learning Dizigui by reading the book everyday;
  2.       Be patient and respectful to our own parents (our children grandparents). This is the best way to teach filial piety.
  3.       Greet your neighbours when you see them;
  4.       Respect the teachers; and
  5.       Lead a discipline life by not sleeping too late at night.

Our children will then learn by seeing what we do.

There is a good reason behind every rule stated in Dizigui. We should try to explain it to our children when teaching Dizigui.

For example, ask them to tell you why they need to respect the teachers. We cannot assume that our children know it (or sometimes, it be may be just common sense, but children still need to be reminded).

This is important because if children are convinced that the rules stated in Dizigui are good for them, they will be more willing to practice it in their day to day life.

After reading Dizigui, many people started to use it to criticize others, complaining that this person did not meet this rule and that person failed to meet another.  If this is the case, you will most likely end up in conflict with many people around you. In fact, you have misinterpreted the teachings of Dizigui.

As stated in Dizigui, “when you see others do wrong, immediately reflect upon yourself. If you have made the same mistake, correct it. If not, be extra cautions not to make the same mistake.”

As parents, we should remember that Dizigui should be used for self-reflection. It should not be used to judge others.

“Integrity is doing the right things when no one is watching. There are too many people who think that the only thing that’s right is to get by, and the only thing that’s wrong is to get caught.” –  J.C. Watts

As stated in Dizigui, “Enter empty rooms as if they are occupied.”

Children will really benefit from Dizigui if they can practice the rules stated in Dizigui even when no one is watching them.

This is also one good way for parents to really have a peace of mind, as parents know that their children will still behave themselves even when their parents are not around.

Therefore, it is important to train our children to do the right things (or practice what Dizigui says) even when no one is watching. Tell your children that this is what you expect out of them. Encourage and praise them when they do the right things even when no one is around.

Young children love to listen to stories. Therefore, one good way to teach them moral values is to tell them a story. After telling the story, relate the story to Dizigui and ask them to reflect upon themselves.

This will help children remember and understand what we are trying to teach them.

Make your story interesting such that children will always look forward to your next story.